I'd been grappling over who to vote for in the Ohio primary elections for a few months. I love Obama's optimism and am inspired by his words...and of course, those who love him. We have his photo on our fridge and his book on our shelf. And we dream of him taking the White House back from the good ol' boys. I love Michelle and her ease with talking to the people. However, I also love all of the good about Hillary Clinton...and ALSO dream of her taking it all back and cleaning stuff up. Karl Rove said that women wouldn't vote for her. Well, I told myself many years ago that if Hillary ran, I vote for her. I know that for some, she's part of the problem--and not at all part of the solution. But for me, she seems to have some good solutions, including health care for everyone. I agreed with the sentiment of a friend that I just couldn't look myself in the mirror and not vote for a woman--especially now that I'm having a girl of my own. So Tuesday, Hillary got my vote.
The Ohio Primary Rally was held Tuesday night in downtown Columbus--and quite perfectly right next door to my office building--so no parking! I jumped in around 7:30 pm and took it all in for a good 3 1/2 hours before she arrived. I was impressed by the good mix of women and men at the event. I took an opportunity to find a few of those men and capture their images (sorry for the poor quality of a few of them). There was definitely a lot of women of all ages in attendance. I had a chance to sit with a group of iconic middle aged broads for Hillary. Go hot flashes! I was pretty tired the day after, having stood for a good 2 hours with available seating now and then. But it was an wonderful time to be in Ohio Tuesday night with the growing baby girl in my belly, dancing around to the cheers and noise and probably wondering who the hell let all that extra estrogen in.

press in the hizz

chiseled menz for the Hillz

more awesome menz for the Hillz

Octo-Astro for the Hillz

the Hillz...Killz!
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