Tuesday, July 03, 2007

why potty training sucks in the summer

because you have to go places, like the zoo, the science museum or grandma and grandpa's house with the hope that your child will not pee his or her pants--especially since he or she will not pee on an adult toilet. so what do you do? put a diaper on him or her, which inevitably throws any potty training accomplishments that you might have reached out the window.

or you bring mr. potty and the jar o' potty candy with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm not an expert or a parent, but i've potty trained a couple of kids in a DAY, yes a day she says. You will need a whole day and some SPF and Bug spray and LOTS of water and lemonaide and popsicles and a little plastic wading pool. If you already have one go get a better one and some cool stuff to put in it. The goal is to make your little one get out of the pool to go potty as much as possible in one day because he will know that if he goes to the bathroom in the wading pool it will have to be thrown out and never to be used again. It really works, but you have to be totally committed to sitting outside with a toddler and watching them for signs of having to go for a whole boring day, but in the end it's worth it.