I'm taking a series of how-to workshops at a
local sewing shop in August. Although the primary goal is to learn sewing 101, the ultimate and most blessed goal of all is that at the completion of the workshops, the student will receive their own Huskystar E20 sewing machine! Free! (For those who don't know how to sew, we are idiots, and idiots will believe anything is Free!)
But how much fun is that...learn the basics, and there you got it, fancy pants sewing machine for you! And knowledge. That's like going to grandma's house, learning how to sew, quilt, make curtains, read patterns, size up stuff and then walking away with your own damn machine--a new machine, at that. I'll also learn how to use this machine while I'm in the series. Owners can upgrade the machine in the future as they advance in their sewing skillz. Here is a loverly photo of the Husky E20. So glorious! So husky! So Free! not so much!

*a note, this 101 class is so glorious, that even my friend Natalie wanted to take it, but they would not let her (boo, hiss) since she wasn't in need of the Free! machine (she has her own bad ass Viking). It makes me sad, since I'll be going solo. However, this will mean that Natalie and I will have a sew-a-thon at some point in the future, making sun dresses for every boy and girl in Columbus, Ohio, including
Charles and Chester.
Also check out
Wholly Craft if you are in Columbus, OH for sewing classes. They have some of the best basic and creative sewing classes in town.