with that, though, i thought that i'd post a little smidge of talk from the alum listserv that happened recently between a few of us.
a little background: the school hired a firm to do a feasibility study on the college's future as single sex (which i call a paid study to tell them to go co-ed, known to others as prostitution). the firm's conclusions found that the women the college would eventually want to attract--to keep them financially afloat would be:
"A new variety of female students. These women are more social and outgoing, dress up for class and seem to care more about their appearance."
Someone from the listserv then posited, "Might these be the 'normal girls?'"
To which I replied, "Actually, they're robots."
Suddenly, I had it all figured out.
OH NO. They cannot do that. Now I'm pissed.
(Just so you know, this is someone you don't know. A reader of NatalieDee who just stumbled upon your page from there. The reason I'm mad about RMWC going co-ed is because it's my second choice college)
I went to an all-girls school from first to twelfth grade. Loved it. They went co-ed fairly recently, despite alumni protests, because they are greedy. I could not be less interested in them now - I'm ignoring the 30th class reunion mail when it comes. Screw them.
(I don't know you either and found you via Natalie Dee too. Come see me at www.tinyoranges.blogspot.com)
Hey, those robots go to my school. I would prefer they go to an all-womens university and learn how to learn rather than dress up for class.
I'm just a ignorant hick Canadian. Perhaps you can explan why gender segregation is a good thing, and why everyone is so mad. Do you know for certain that they don't have to do this as a desperate attempt to stay afloat? It would make more sence, as this blog is to be read by strangers looking to learn new things, to explain things in their full so that people who are not you will understand what you are talking about. Thanks!
I would never have been able to actually attend an all-girls school because young (read: insecure) women tend to hate me, and I generally don't like them much either. But I agree with them on principle. My sister is sixteen and has a crush on at least six guys right now, one of whom she flirts with all through her English class, which she maintains has nothing to do with her D in that subject. I spent half of my nights my freshman year of college in a frat house when I should have been studying. Having grown up in a very religious town, I can't count the number of women I know who dropped out of school to get married and have children (and that's not necessarily a bad thing, unless these women wanted to be something else until society told them to pop out babies. And believe me, the women did)
The arguments for single-sex schools are just as strong as the ones against them, Chris. The problem with the switch is that it allows for one less option. And without options, you can't make well-thought-out decisions.
If the roles were reversed, and it was an all-male school choosing to not open its doors to females, what would people say?
I dunno, as a person in general--a guy, to be exact--it just doesn't make sense to me to keep ANYONE out of a school they like based on situations they can't control (race, gender, et cetera). Granted the male species has had its share of discrimination... but you know, the whole "two wrongs" thing.
I dunno; that's just me.
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