Arrrrh. Who knew that if you ate booty, there's been doodie from yr booty? Arrrrrh! A setback for the vegetarians. It seriously is, though, the best nutritious crack that your kids will eat (and packed full of vitamins...and salmonella.)
Arrrrh. Who knew that if you ate booty, there's been doodie from yr booty? Arrrrrh! A setback for the vegetarians. It seriously is, though, the best nutritious crack that your kids will eat (and packed full of vitamins...and salmonella.)
fyi, i was actually inspired by martha's new cake, but it went it's own way. as is the case with martha's ideas. that martha.
here's hers:
how many times have i come to you out of my head with joy, if ever a man was, for to approach you i have given up the light and all directions. i come to you lost, wholly trusting as a man who goes into the forest unarmed. it is as though i descend slowly earthward out of the air. i rest in peace in you, when i arrive at last. -wendell berry
we went to charlottesville this weekend to see tyler and sena get married. tyler is an old friend of my husband's. i had only met tyler twice or five times and paul hadn't seen him in about 4 years. however, he insisted that we be at their wedding. it was lovely,charming and genuine. i've never heard "venus in furs" played for a wedding party processional. and my friend dominic read "in the country of marriage" by wendell berry. it was awesome.
as is the case with most out-of-town weddings, i had a chance to meet a lot of folk whose names/histories i'd only heard about. i was also reintroduced to people who i met over 10 years ago. both myself and the person i was meeting again could remember way back in our skulls when we had first met. it was quite endearing to have a bit of blank space filled in. it also left me wanting to know them all more.
i told paul this morning that we should move to charlottesville so that we can spend more time with these kind people. he then reminded me that most of the clan were ex-c'ville pats. too bad. charming charlottesville has such a brigadoon feeling. paul's mantra for the weekend was that "everyone's important in charlottesville"--from the burrito dude to the rocker. and loved. we'll definitely be back for more.